ridgevue athletics
home of the warhawks
Boys Varsity Football
Camps and Clinics.
Dates: Every Monday evening from Nov 18th – Feb 10th (Excluding Dec. 2nd and Dec. 23rd)
Times: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Place: Ridgevue High School Gym
Cost: $125 for 12 total weeks
Camp will focus on developing skills that all players need to be successful. We will cover hitting, defensive work, pitching, and baserunning.
Contact Ridgevue Head Coach Ryan Abel at ryan.abel@vallivue.org or CO-County Youth Baseball at cocountyyouthbaseball@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Please bring check with you to first session on 11/18 made payable to Ridgevue High School Baseball. You can also register online at https://rhsbaseball.maxcheckout.com/